Collection: Georgian
The Georgian era is complicated and multifaceted, but super interesting in terms of the arts. The basics are the dates that span from 1712 to 1837 which include the regency era of 1795-1837 (officially only from the Regent act of 1811 to 1820). The time period covers the monarchy of 4 kings George but also the time of the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the raise of Napoleon on the continent. The artist community was prolific during this era. Writers such as Jane Austin, Johnathan Swift and Mary Shelly had a loyal following. The Romantic period of poetry with Byron, Keats, Shelly, Burns and Coleridge was emerging and thriving. Lancelot Brown (aka Capability Brown) brought the concept of landscape architecture to the forefront of English noble thought as John Nash did for Architecture. Painters of this time that are household names even today are Gainsborourgh, Turner and Constable.
Burgeoning wealth based on new markets and products meant that the merchant class was acquiring more wealth while the high taxes required to fight wars on multiple continents cost the very poor and gentry dearly. So how does all of this translate to the all-important jewelry we love? This is the time period when we see the Grand Tours emerge, the sentimental jewelry and mourning jewelry become very important expressions of self and status. This is a period of strict cultural guidelines (what to wear and when to wear it), candlelight, high workmanship and the opportunity to use new gemstones. Georgian Butt as many call it, is the beautiful closed back of stones found in most of the jewelry of this era, this allowed for foil backing (silver, gold or colored ) which enhanced the vividness of both real gems and the fabulous paste of the time.
What to look for from the Georgian Era: cameos, miniature portraits, riviere necklaces, parures, demi-parures, gimmel ring, mourning rings, hair jewelry, lover’s eye, gemstone bouquets or giardinetti, bows, Girandole earrings, cut steel, crowns, and crosses